Tag Archives: repurposing content

Holiday Blog: Repurposing Content — The Gift that keeps on Giving

Now that we’re in the holiday season, it’s a good time to talk about repurposing content, which I see as the gift that keeps on giving!

Repurposing content is the gift that keeps on giving because we can continuously use the content that we previously created if it’s still good, valuable and timely.

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We need to remove content that is dated or out of use, or no longer attractive for our brand. When this process is completed we should have a sizable collection of blogs, emails, white papers, sales materials, etc. that are now available to be reposted and repurposed.

If you have been doing a blog for years, for instance, many of your blog posts can be repurposed. The same can be said for White Papers, sell sheets, brochures, news articles and more. This is one instance where you actually benefit from the fact that so much material sent out online is not viewed by our followers, and it really makes sense to report.

Think about it … in many cases we have tons of material that we have originally created, available for use in our content marketing efforts. It’s here that we can recoup the time and cost of originally invested in developing this material. As the amount of profitable repurposing increases, the cost of developing the material decreases.

These materials can now be placed on your editorial calendar or your marketing calendar. Repost them on Facebook , LinkedIn and Google Plus, maybe Pinterest. Use them in an aggressive Twitter rotation. Email marketing may be the way to go!

Maybe you need or want to update the material, maybe that isn’t necessary. Anyway you now have a full arsenal of marketing materials at your disposal, ready for repurposing.

You may be surprised that there are some absolute gems in there. Something you wrote in 2010 may sound really good today, while others may not sounds so clever today! (Edit or discard them, in these cases).

But just remember, that those pieces that didn’t take off the last time, might take off right now. Have fun with it, good luck!